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NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE Default in the payment of principal and interest has occurred under the terms of a promissory note (the “Note”) and a real estate mortgage (the “Mortgage”) dated September 18, 2013, executed and delivered by Brent E. Horne and Teresa Horne (“Mortgagor”) to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for Bank of America, N.A., its successors and assigns, as security for the Note of the same date. The Mortgage was recorded on October 8, 2013, as Reception No. 369188 in Book 201 MTG at Page 180 in the records of the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds of Sublette County, Wyoming. The Mortgage was assigned for value as follows: Assignee: PennyMac Loan Services, LLC Assignment dated: December 18, 2020 Assignment recorded: December 18, 2020 Assignment recording information: Reception No. 0406907 in Book 251 MTG at Page 710 All in the records of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds of Sublette County, Wyoming. The property covered by the Mortgage is described as follows: Lot 68, Block 1 of the Barger Subdivision, First Filing, Sublette County, Wyoming, as set out on that plat map recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Sublette County on January 6, 1970 in Book 26 of Misc., Page 328. Parcel No.: 15-00-00242 which has the address of 149 Sauk Trail, Boulder, WY 82923 (the undersigned disclaims any liability for any error in the address). The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale. Any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid. Pursuant to Wyoming Statutes section 34-4-109, the foreclosure sale scheduled on April 1, 2022 at 10:00 AM at the South Entrance, Sublette County Courthouse, 21 South Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, Wyoming in Sublette County, State of Wyoming, was postponed to June 3, 2022 at 10:00 AM at the South Entrance, Sublette County Courthouse, 21 South Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, Wyoming in Sublette County, State of Wyoming, has been postponed to July 22, 2022 at 10:00 AM at the South Entrance, Sublette County Courthouse, 21 South Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, Wyoming in Sublette County, State of Wyoming. Date: June 1, 2022 By: Brigham J. Lundberg Lundberg & Associates, PC 3269 South Main Street, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Tel: (801) 263-3400 L&A No. 22.82658.1/NP Notice #8950 published in the Pinedale Roundup on June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15, 2022. NOTICE OF DISTRAINT FOR DELINQUENT TAXES FOR MOBILE HOMES State of Wyoming ) ) ss County of Sublette ) County Treasurer's Office June 27, 2022 Notice is hereby given that I, Emily Paravicini, the duly elected, qualified and acting county treasurer within and for the county and state aforesaid, will on the 21st day of July A.D. 2022 at the Sublette County Courthouse Commissioners room at 9 AM in the county and state aforesaid, offer for sale the following described real estate for taxes due and unpaid. Notice is hereby given that under the authority of Wyoming State Statute (W.S.) 39-13-107 (W.S.) 39-13-108 (b)(ii) & (e)(ix), this property will be subject to distress for the non-payment of delinquent personal property taxes. The real estate will be sold subject to any special assessments for local or public improvements to the highest bidder. At that time, the highest bidder will become the owner of said mobile home to do with as they wish. Said sale shall take place between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. of said day and will be continued from day to day, Sundays excepted, until all of said land has been sold. The real property to be offered at said sale, together with the taxes, penalty, interest and costs due on the same is described as follows, to-wit: ----------------------------------- 09-TH-11863 DUKE, JUNE 1982 TAMARACK 14X70. TITLE 23-0174520 520. MTN VILLAGE #13 TOTAL: 59.26 ----------------------------------- 09-TH-14484 DUKE, JUNE 1973 FIVE STAR 12X60. MTN VILLAGE PARKS #14. TITLE 23-0174519 TOTAL: 102.03 ----------------------------------- 09-TH-10915 GORDON, CLAIRANNE ATTN: ROY & ALISHA MOATES 16X40 UNKNOWN 1979 MTN VILLAGE PARK S #38 TOTAL: 83.21 ----------------------------------- 09-TH-10737 GORDON, RON & CLAIREANNE ATTN: STACY SCHAFFER 12X66 UNKNOWN EST 1979 MTN VILLAGE PARKS #39 TOTAL: 96.03 ----------------------------------- Notice #8980 published in the Pinedale Roundup on July 15, 2022 STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT ) NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ) OF CLAYTON C. BERNHARD ) PROBATE NO. 2022-CV-0008940 Deceased. ) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A DECREE OF SUMMARY DISTRIBUTION OF REAL PROPERTY TAKE NOTICE that on 6/29/22 an Application for Decree of Summary Distribution relating to the real property of the Decedent, CLAYTON C. BERNHARD, was filed in the District Court of Sublette County, Wyoming Ninth Judicial District. The Decedent died on 5/24/08 owning an interest in real property located in Sublette County, Wyoming described as: Lot Thirty-Five (35), Block One (1) of the Barger Subdivision, Sublette County, Wyoming as set out on that plat map recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Sublette County on January 6, 1970 in Book 26 of Misc., Page 328; TOGETHER WITH all improvements and appurtenances thereunto appertaining. SUBJECT TO reservations and restrictions contained in the United States patents, to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use, to prior mineral reservations of record and to all other matters of public record. This Application prayed that the Court, after due and proper publication as required by statute, enter its Decree of Summary Distribution of Real Property herein and that said Decree set over all of the interest of the Decedent, CLAYTON C. BERNHARD, in and to the above described property to DAVID BERNHARD, DALE BERNHARD, DANIEL BERNHARD and DEANNA ROOKS. If no objection to this Application has been filed within thirty (30) days of the first date of publication of this Notice, the Court will enter a Decree of Summary Distribution establishing the right and title to the above property according to the Application. DATED this ________, 20____. JANET K. MONTGOMERY Clerk of District Court Notice #8986 published in the Pinedale Roundup on July 8, 15, 2022 OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS JUNE 21, 2022 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse on this date at 9:00 a.m. with Joel Bousman, Tom Noble, Doug Vickrey, Sam White, Dave Stephens, Matt Gaffney, Clayton Melinkovich, Brady Oltmans representing the Pinedale Roundup, and Carrie Long, County Clerk, present. Chairman Bousman led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was approved on motion by Commissioner Vickrey, seconded by Commissioner Stephens. Motion carried. The minutes from the previous regular meeting held on 6/7/22 were approved and ordered filed on motion by Commissioner Noble, seconded by Commissioner Vickrey. Motion carried. Billy Pape, Road & Bridge, and Mike Jackson with Rio Verde Engineering, updated the Board on projects. Jackson advised the Board the North Piney project could be divided into phases with the start phase involving stock piling gravel. Jackson also reviewed the Union Pass / Green River Lakes Road discussions with the Forest Service and discussions with the Redstone Upper Green Improvement District regarding their bridges. Commissioner White made a motion to amend the agreement with Teletractors for the Clark Draw project to extend the scope of the project for other projects to use up the $80,000 left from the original project. Commissioner Stephens seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Noble abstained from voting. It was moved by Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Noble, to adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to W.S. 16-4-405(a)(vii). The Board reconvened open session. Commissioner Noble made a motion to proceed with plans to purchase the property adjoining the county owned property on Pole Creek for $1,000,000. Commissioner White seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 to 2 with Commissioners Vickrey and Stephens voting nay. Grant Golden, Ice Arena Manager, requested the budget for the Ice Arena be increased by $92,000 from what was presented during budget workshop in to accommodate an increase in utilities and adding another full-time position in order to increase the months of having ice on from 8 to 10. Commissioner White made a motion to advertise for the position, Commissioner Stephens seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioners White and Noble request Golden update the Board quarterly on attendance. David Ricely and Tony Kelly from Union Wireless updated the Board on the progress of installing fiber. Janet Montgomery, Clerk of District Court, requested approval of the Cooperative Agreement for Responsibilities Between Wyoming Department of Family Services, Child Support Program and Sublette County Clerk of District Court. Commissioner Noble made a motion to approve the agreement. Commissioner Stephens seconded the motion. Motion carried. Clayton Melinkovich, Deputy County Attorney, along with Dave Doorn, Hospital District, updated the Board on owner’s representative discussions. Commissioner Noble made a motion to release the documentation leading to the Fire Mill discussion as requested in a Public Record Request from Cat Urbigkit from the Cowboy State Daily. Commissioner White seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Vickrey made a motion to eliminate the fire mill. Commissioner Stephens seconded the motion. Motion carried with Commissioner Bousman abstaining from voting. It was moved by Commissioner Noble, seconded by Commissioner Vickrey to approve contracts presented by Janna Lee: The MOU between Wyoming Department of Health and Sublette County and the PHEP base and crisis funding contracts. Motion carried. Andre Irey, Maintenance Supervisor, updated the Board on issues with the Pinedale Clinic roof. He also presented proposals from JRW & Associates for the garage at the Golf Course. Irey was instructed to pursue proposal #1 in the amount of $38,000. Carrie Long, County Clerk, requested direction on a scholarship deferral request. The consensus of the Board was not to allow the deferral. Accounts Payable, in the amount of $1,729,478.95, was approved on motion by Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Noble. Motion carried. AAA CREDIT SCREENING SERVICES LLC 30.00 / ADAMS CONCRETE, INC. 108,084.60 ADP,LLC 1,117.28 / AIRGAS USA, LLC 669.81 ALL AMERICAN FUEL COMPANY, INC. 4,098.00 / AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 561.09 AMERICAN SAFETY & HEALTH INSTITUTE 100.50 / A TO Z HARDWARE 3,245.59 SCOTT AULD 539.45 / AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 4,674.00 / MARYLISA BAXLEY 38.14 BELVEAL'S SIGNS 12.00 / MARIA BIGGS 53.01 / BLACK MOUNTAIN RENTALS INC 111.25 BOB BARKER COMPANY, INC. 48.80 / BROWER PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 350.00 BUCKY'S OUTDOOR, L.L.C. 151.38 / CAROLINA SOFTWARE 10,300.00 COLUMBIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY 2,014.98 / CENTURYLINK 15,358.31 / CNA SURETY 100.00 CONRAD & BISCHOFF INC. 2,357.92 / CONTROL SOLUTIONS, INC. 113.00 COOPER, SHAD 102.00 / COUNTRY LANE GAS & GROCERIES 272.09 CASSIE CRUMPTON 1,760.99 / CSTL TRUCK BEDS AND FABRICATION INC 6,000.00 DELL MARKETING LP 39,202.94 / WYOMING DEPT OF HEALTH 240.64 / DIRECTV 229.24 DJ'S GLASS PLUS 325.00 / DOT/FHWA 965,000.00 / DUNTON SHEEP CO 22,778.10 DS SERVICES LLC 123.00 / DULTMEIER SALES 188.92 / DUSTBUSTERS, INC. 108,561.62 E-470 PUBLIC HIGHWAY AUTHORITY 4.60 / EAGLE UNIFORM & SUPPLY CO. 434.58 EASTERN IDAHO HEALTH SERVICE 17,266.31 / GALEN EIDEN 131.25 EMERALD SERVICES, INC. 1,350.05 / FASTENAL COMPANY 781.31 F.B.MCFADDEN WHOLESALE 121.15 / FIRE ENGINEERING COMPANY 1,215.00 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES LLC 2,143.00 / FLEETPRIDE 121.43 FLOYD'S TRUCK CENTER 9,936.41 / FORSGREN ASSOCIATES INC. 11,095.00 LISA FORMAN 116.00 / FREEDOM FIGHTERS 255.00 / GALLS, LLC 3,500.59 GET WESTERN ELECTRIC LLC 4,293.90 / GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY 961.66 LYNDY GUENTHER 56.94 / HIGH COUNTRY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 5,000.00 HENRY SCHEIN INC. 341.27 / HOLIDAY INN LARAMIE 417.00 / MARY M HUMSTONE 5,150.00 INFINITY POWER & CONTROLS, LLC 4,473.37 / ANDREA JEAN 52.57 JACKSON HOLE COMMUNITY 1,035.00 / WILLIAM P JOSWIAK 227.67 / STEVE KIPP 929.69 DEAN LEATHERS 449.67 / JANNA LEE 569.22 / LEGEND HYDROVACING,INC 2,385.00 LEO RILEY & CO. 9,350.00 / LMT INC. 7,800.00 / L. N. CURTIS & SONS 4,008.08 CARRIE LONG 195.94 / LOWER VALLEY ENERGY 208.84 / M & M TRANSFER INC. 17,956.09 MIDWAY MALL 42.38 / MODERN OFFICE 4,905.00 / MODERN PRINTING COMPANY 146.76 JANET MONTGOMERY 352.94 / MOOSELY MAILBOXES 11.44 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC 3,723.17 / NATIONAL SHERIFF'S ASSOCIATION 142.00 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS,LLC 52.37 / OFFICE ALLY 35.00 / OFFICE OUTLET 1,101.36 PACIFIC STEEL & RECYCLING 1,146.40 / EMILY PARAVICINI 416.96 PERFORMANCE TECH, LLC 1,123.56 / PETE'S DIESEL REPAIR,INC 3,329.27 PETERBILT OF WYOMING 1,237.17 / PREVENTIVE HEALTH AND SAFETY 171.00 PINEDALE AUTO SUPPLY 787.75 / PINEDALE GLASS & MORE 685.00 PINEDALE LUMBER 2,279.34 / PINEDALE NATURAL GAS CO. 108.72 PINEDALE ROUNDUP 2,931.25 / PLAINSMAN PRINTING & SUPPLY 620.21 POC NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES 97.50 / PROPAC 1,104.52 / CHRIS WEBB 1,785.00 QUILL CORPORATION 869.18 / RATIO 3,122.78 / REBEL AUTO PARTS 202.18 REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY 280.00 / RELADYNE WEST, LLC 44,540.58 RENDEZVOUS POINTE 64.00 / RETAIL ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT 299.80 RIDLEY'S FAMILY MARKETS 752.01 / RIO VERDE ENGINEERING 13,868.01 RIVERSIDE BOOT & SADDLE 34.99 / RIVERA LODGE 30.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 13,600.36 / ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERSPORTS PINEDALE 463.80 ROCKY MOUNTAIN WASH, LLC 522.00 / ROCKY MOUNTAIN COMPETITIVE SOLUTION 518.15 ROCK SPRINGS WINNELSON 287.52 / JARED ROGERSON 2,750.00 RUGGED MOUNTAIN AVIATION,LLC 49,450.00 / SAFETY SUPPLY & SIGN CO. INC 2,057.75 S.A.M. SERVICES, LLC 2,070.00 / SATCOM GLOBAL 128.25 SUBLETTE COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT 466.00 / SCOTT, TRISHA 15.59 SUBLETTE COUNTY PREDATOR BOARD 13,641.00 / SUBLETTE COUNTY RURAL HEALTH 90.00 SECRETARY OF STATE 120.00 / SHADOW MOUNTAIN WATER OF WY 210.25 KRISTEN SPAULDING 185.57 / RICHARD STEM 7,435.15 / TODD STEVIE 11,600.00 STITCHIN POST 222.00 / SUBLETTE EXAMINER 325.00 / SYMBOL ARTS 85.00 JOSH TATRO 167.39 / TEGELER & ASSOCIATES 100.00 / SHANE TEMPLAR 87.18 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 1,092.68 / THE TIRE DEN, INC. 4,069.82 TORGERSON'S LLC 1,992.87 / TOWN OF MARBLETON 278.77 / TOWN OF PINEDALE 1,685.01 TRANS UNION RISK AND ALTERNATIVE 180.40 / TODD R. LIEBELT 304.08 TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY 1,130.69 / UNION TELEPHONE 29,085.83 UW EXTENSION 5,608.50 / UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 1,236.00 VALLEY WIDE COOPERATIVE 3,421.16 / VERIZON WIRELESS 200.05 VOSKER PRODUCTS 432.00 / WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 124.49 WAZITECH TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS 16,488.05 / WEIDNER FIRE 25,257.84 WILLIAMS AUTOMOTIVE INC. 182.73 / CODY WILSON 125.74 / WILDRED SERVICES 1,500.00 WYOMING MACHINERY COMPANY 15,538.81 / WYOMING WATERWORKS, LLC 74.00 XEROX CORPORATION 903.87 / XEROX FINANCIAL SERVICES 3,867.68 XYLEM DEWATERING SOLUTIONS, INC. 2,453.08 A Catering/Beer permit was approved for Sleeping Indian Outfitters for an event on July 9 at 14496 Hwy 191 on motion by Commissioner Noble, seconded by Commissioner Stephens. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING /s/ Joel Bousman, Chairman Attest: /s/ Carrie S. Long, County Clerk Notice #8990 published in the Pinedale Roundup on July 15, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE: On Tuesday, August 2, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners will make the following board appointment: 1 – 3-year term, Pinedale Aquatic Center JPB Anyone interested in volunteering should write a Letter of Application to the Board (there is no application form), in care of, Carrie Long, County Clerk, PO Box 250, Pinedale, WY, 82941, or [email protected], or fax to 307-367-6396 by 5 PM on Tuesday July 26, 2022. Notice #8991 published in the Pinedale Roundup on July 15, 22, 2022 ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSAL TOWN OF PINEDALE, WYOMING PNA Fixed Based Operator (FBO) Services Notice is hereby given that the Town of Pinedale is accepting Proposals for Fixed Base Operations (FBO) Services at Ralph Wenz Field in Pinedale, Wyoming. Proposals will be received at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Pinedale, P.O. Box 709, located at 69 Pinedale South Road, Wyoming, 82941 (Town Hall) until Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 4:30 pm MST. Proposals shall be delivered according to the Request for Proposal. The Request for Proposal package may be obtained at the Town Hall or by email. For more information, please call Town Hall at 307-367-4136 or email [email protected] The Town of Pinedale reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to waive all informalities. The Town of Pinedale may accept any proposal which in its opinion best serves its interests. Notice #8994 published in the Pinedale Roundup on July 15, 22, 2022 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT TAXES State of Wyoming ) ) ss County of Sublette ) County Treasurer's Office June 27, 2022 Notice is hereby given that I, Emily Paravicini, the duly elected, qualified and acting county treasurer within and for the county and state aforesaid, will on the 21ST day of July A.D. 2022 at the Sublette County Courthouse Commissioners room at 9 AM in the county and state aforesaid, offer for sale the following described real estate for taxes due and unpaid. The real estate will be sold subject to any special assessments for local or public improvements. Said sale shall take place between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. of said day and will be continued from day to day, Sundays excepted, until all of said land has been sold. The real property to be offered at said sale, together with the taxes, penalty, interest and costs due on the same is described as follows, to-wit: ----------------------------------- 01-00-05776 AROLA,KENT L. & AROLA, SID O. % BOWLING,MARK GREEN RIVER RANCH UNIT D,LOT 16. TOTAL: 124.60 ----------------------------------- 01-00-16224 BACHELLER,CHARLES ROBERT & BURTON-BACHELLER,KRISTINE T34N, R109W, SEC 21, S2NE; SEC 22, SWNW. TOTAL: 2,948.10 ----------------------------------- 01-00-06625 BECKER,KENNETH BUFFALO HEAD SPRINGS EST, LOT 10. TOTAL: 317.71 ----------------------------------- 01-00-06813 C K FARMS INC. T37N, R113W, SEC 4, A TR. AKA: BOND URANT RANCHES, TR 2. 62.24 AC TOTAL: 5,925.85 ----------------------------------- 01-00-04209 FINSTAD,KENNETH R. & EDITH L. GREEN RIVER RANCH UNIT B, LOT 25. 1975 LEISURE MOBILE HOME.(R0006504) TOTAL: 149.72 ----------------------------------- 01-00-03676 GREGORY,MARK & GREGORY,JARED GREEN RIVER RANCH UNIT B, LOT 102. TOTAL: 227.82 ----------------------------------- 01-00-07045 HSU,JENNY TERESA,TTEE ATTN: JENNY GEPNER FORTY ROD RANCHES, LOT 6. TOTAL: 1,654.60 ----------------------------------- 01-00-04226 KAUMO,BECKY ATTN: BECKY STALDER GREEN RIVER RANCH UNIT B,LOT 16. 1 969 MAGNOLIA 12X56 TRANS HOME. TOTAL: 209.13 ----------------------------------- 01-00-15889 KELSON,JAMES H. & VALERIE J.,TTEES,%KELSON,WADE, ET AL c/o CLINT KELSON KELSON AMENDED MINOR SUBD,LOT 8. F KA:KELSON MINOR SUBD,LOT 5. TOTAL: 1,151.74 ----------------------------------- 01-00-01266 MANDELL,MARY ANN PINE CREEK, LOT 22. TOTAL: 917.73 ----------------------------------- 01-00-10058 MORRIS,RICK D. T31N, R106W, SEC 29, E2SE.1988 GU ERDON MOBILE HOME. ITLE# 23-009167 9. (R0002077) TOTAL: 2,927.30 ----------------------------------- 01-00-11183 NABORS WELL SERVICES CO C/O MERIT ADVISORS, LLC SAND DRAW INDUSTRIAL PARK SECOND, LOT 49. TOTAL: 685.00 ----------------------------------- 01-00-11184 NABORS WELL SERVICES CO C/O MERIT ADVISORS, LLC SAND DRAW INDUSTRIAL PARK SECOND, L OT 50. TOTAL: 685.00 ----------------------------------- 01-00-11185 NABORS WELL SERVICES CO C/O MERIT ADVISORS, LLC SAND DRAW INDUSTRIAL PARK SECOND, LOT 51. TOTAL: 685.00 ----------------------------------- 01-00-11186 NABORS WELL SERVICES CO C/O MERIT ADVISORS, LLC SAND DRAW INDUSTRIAL PARK SECOND, LOT 52. TOTAL: 685.00 ----------------------------------- 01-00-11043 THOMSON,SHANE T. & CHARLEE T34N, R113W, SEC 3, N2S2(PT). AKA:TR 2 OF THE THOMSON FAMILY-HORSE CREEK LAND TRACTS SURVEY IN 79M580. TOTAL: 190.58 ----------------------------------- 01-00-10064 URQUHART,DON A. & ELLNA S. JIM BRIDGER EST FIFTH, LOT 41. TOTAL: 232.77 ----------------------------------- 01-00-05691 VON REMBOW,JAMES GREEN RIVER RANCH UNIT A, LOT 7. TOTAL: 24.36 ----------------------------------- 01-00-16160 WILLIAMS,QWENTIN EDWARD & WILLIAMS,EDWARD GLEN T27N, R104W, SEC 26, NWNE(PT) (MAGA GNA BROTHERS, INC FAMILY EXEMPTION PARCEL T0266) TOTAL: 142.09 ----------------------------------- 15-00-00140 AYER,DONALD E. ET AL BARGER, BLK 1, LOT 28. FKA: 010000140 TOTAL: 495.11 ----------------------------------- 15-00-00242 HORNE,BRENT E. BARGER, BLK 1, LOT 68. MANUFACTURED HOME MSO SURRENDERED 12/8/2008. FKA: 010000242 TOTAL: 748.75 ----------------------------------- 15-00-09034 HOSTETTER,KENNETH E. & DARLENE A. % LOOSE, STACY L. BARGER THIRD, BLK 8, LOT 56. FKA:010009034 1996 FLEETWOOD MH. (R0003273). TOTAL: 601.71 ----------------------------------- 15-00-09029 MARTINEZ,CHELSEA HUGHES BARGER SECOND, BLK 3, LOT 102. FKA:010009029 TOTAL: 402.14 ----------------------------------- 15-00-03694 TOMPKINS,DONNE A. BARGER FOURTH, BLK 4, LOT 96. FKA: 010003694 TOTAL: 402.14 ----------------------------------- 02-00-00123 ARONSON,DALE T33N, R109W, SEC 4, SENENE(PT). (PI NEDALE UNPLATTED TRACT, 115 X 115 & 30 X 180) TOTAL: 1,112.40 ----------------------------------- 02-00-02943 BACHELLER,KRISTINE NELSON ADDN., BLK 2, LOTS 11-14. MA NUFACTURED HOME. TITLE SURRENDERED 2/8/2008. TOTAL: 1,389.29 ----------------------------------- 02-00-02045 BECKER,KENNETH HENNICK`S SECOND ADDN., BLK 4, LOT 7. TOTAL: 495.54 ----------------------------------- 02-00-10841 ENGLES,MICHAEL L. FOX WILLOW PARK III ADDN., LOT 27. TOTAL: 135.97 ----------------------------------- 09-00-02843 BROWN,TODD M. & NANCI E. MEADOW CANYON EST,LOT 33. TOTAL: 546.34 ----------------------------------- 09-00-08598 CIRCLE CATTLE COMPANY LTD PARTNERSHIP % RIDGECREST 1031 REVERSE, LLC T30N, R114W, SEC 2, S2SW; SEC 3, S2 N2, N2SE, SWSE, SW; SEC 4, S2N2, N2 SW, SE4; SEC 5, SENE, NESE; SEC 10, NE, N2NW, SENW, N2SE; SEC 11, N2NW, SWNW, NWSW. TOTAL: 959.81 ----------------------------------- 09-00-01048 FREEMAN,JAMES G. & EDWINA R. BALL, LOT 1. TOTAL: 42.00 ----------------------------------- 09-00-03750 MARCHWICK,WILLIAM THOMAS T27N, R115W, SEC 11, TR IN E2SW4 SE4. TOTAL: 240.45 ----------------------------------- 09-00-06675 ROYS BOYS LLC S&S LOT DIV.,LOT 1. TOTAL: 603.51 ----------------------------------- 09-00-08027 STAGER,MARY M. & STANHOPE,JUDITH LYNN EMIGRATION RANCHES PHASE I, LOT 11 1974 TITAN MH. (R0001130). TOTAL: 345.07 ----------------------------------- 08-00-03717 SANDERS,DAVID M. & SANDERS,JAMES M. MACGLASHAN ADDN., BLK 16, LOTS 1 & 2. TOTAL: 619.73 ----------------------------------- 07-00-06074 MURPHY,EDWARD G. & KEITH A. MARBLETON, BLK 13, LOTS 11, 12. LEGAL CORRECTED FOR TAX YEAR 2013. TOTAL: 321.15 ----------------------------------- 07-00-05125 WILDER,MICHAEL S. & BRETT D. ATTN: MISTY MUCKLEY MARBLETON, BLK 10, LOT 1. 2000 FOUR SEASONS MH. (R0001326). TOTAL: 725.86 Notice #8995 published in the Pinedale Roundup on July 15, 2022 NOTICE TO TRANSFER FUNDS SUBLETTE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT # 1 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 Notice is hereby given the Board of Trustees of Sublette County School District # 1 will transfer funds from the General Fund to a Capital Construction Fund. Sublette County School District # 1 had higher than expected revenues in the General Fund during the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Sublette County School District # 1 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, is providing notice they will consider a transfer of $4 million dollars at their regularly school board meeting in July. Which is now being considered by the Board of Trustees of Sublette County School District # 1. The meeting will be held in Pinedale, Wyoming on the 20th day of July, 2022, at seven-thirty o’clock p.m. (7:30), at which time any and all persons interested may appear and be heard. Attest: /s Jamison Ziegler Chairman, Board of Trustees /s/ Charles Prior Clerk, Board of Trustees Notice #8996 published in the Pinedale Roundup on July 15, 2022 STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF SUBLETTE )§ TOWN OF PINEDALE ) The Town Council of the Town of Pinedale met in regular session on Monday, June 27, 2022, in the Lovatt Room of the Sublette County Library. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Matt Murdock at 5 p.m. Council members present: Tyler Swafford, Dean Loftus, Judi Boyce, and Scott Kosiba. Those in attendance included: KC Lehr, Sublette County Sheriff; Robert Galbreath, representing the Pinedale Roundup; Max Lockett; Kalie Miles and Becky Gregory, representing the Children’s Discovery Center (CDC); Teresa Sander, representing Pinedale Preschool; Carla Sullivan, representing MESA; Michelle Costello, Tammy Hueck and Sarah Murdock, representing Bridges out of Poverty; Brian Gray, representing Jorgensen Associates; Micah Olson, Bruce and Cathy Wachter, Angela and John Douglas, representing Emblem Aviation; Joanie Christie, representing Main Street Pinedale (MSP); Mandy Moffat, representing SAFV; Peggy Weber; Adam Herron; and Town Director of Public Works, Abram Pearce. Mayor Matt Murdock led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Councilman Swafford to accept the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Loftus. Motion passed 5-0. Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2022, regular Town Council meeting as presented. Seconded by Councilman Swafford. Motion passed 5-0. Motion by Councilman Loftus to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2022, special Town Council meeting as presented. Seconded by Councilman Kosiba. Motion passed 5-0. Sublette County Sheriff, KC Lehr, reported on calls for service in May 2022. Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Contracts for Service for Bridges Out of Poverty, $5,100; Rendezvous Pointe, $18,000; MESA, $9,000; PAC, $18,000; CDC, $14,000; SAFV, $8,625; Learning Center, $9,000; Pinedale Preschool, $4,000; and Main Street Pinedale, $10,000. Seconded by Councilman Loftus. Motion passed 5-0. Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve all Consent Agenda items. Seconded by Councilman Swafford. Consent Agenda items were a waiver of water service requirement request to connect to water and sewer at 200 Lewis Street for Mark and Vickie Biffle; Professional services Agreement with KNS Communications to study tower feasibility in the amount of $2,350; Contract with Caselle for nightly cloud back up of the accounting system in the amount of $50 per month indefinitely; request to transfer the domain, “” to the Sublette County Visitors Center after they reimburse PTTC for fees in the amount of $577; mosquito spraying in the amount of $36,000 for two aerial mosquito sprayings by the Sublette County Mosquito Abatement District for the summer of 2022; total expenses of $1,658 for two mosquito foggings of the parks from Acme Pest Control for the summer of 2022; renewal of all current insurance policies as quoted from Tegeler and Associates in the amount of $98,101; purchase of soda ash from Brenntag Pacific in the amount of $17,280; purchase of salt from Brenntag Pacific in the amount of $13,972 for 882 pounds; Temporary Use Permit application from the Pinedale Community Food Basket for July 8 & 9, 2022 for sale of goods in the right-of-way; recommendations of the Finance Committee and an agreement with Bank of Sublette County; and the hangar lot lease at Ralph Wenz Field for Triple B Ranch. Motion passed 5-0. Mayor Murdock reported a proposed amendment to the self-serve fuel farm lease, the Fixed Base Operations contract expiration, request for proposals, and lease agreement discussion. Town Attorney, Ed Wood, will be working on the proposed amendments and staff will be working on a lease extension for the current FBO and a Request for Proposal for a new FBO lease. Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve the Temporary Use Permit application for Emblem Aviation for the STOL Competition to be held August 12-13, 2022, at Ralph Wenz Field pending review of a contract between Emblem Aviation and STOL organizers, and an insurance certificate naming the Town as an Additional Insured. Seconded by Councilman Loftus. Motion passed 5-0. Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Resolution 2022-04, Realignment and Amendment of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Seconded by Councilman Kosiba. Motion passed 5-0. Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Resolution 2022-05, Rate and Fees. Seconded by Councilman Kosiba. Motion passed 5-0. Councilman Loftus left the meeting. Council reviewed monthly department reports from the Municipal Court; Animal Control; Projects, Public Works, Water & Wastewater, Planning & Zoning; the Airport; and Travel & Tourism. Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the bills for June 27, 2022, in the amount of $125,666.07 paid with checks 28617-28639. Seconded by Councilman Swafford. Motion passed 4-0. Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve payroll and benefits for June 30, 2022. Seconded by Councilman Kosiba. Motion passed 4-0. Motion by Councilman Swafford to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce. Motion passed 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Matt Murdock, Mayor ATTEST: Maureen Rudnick, Clerk-Treasurer Notice #8997 published in the Pinedale Roundup on July 15, 2022
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